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We converted our spare bedroom into a nursery! This 10 x12 room has central heat and air, ample storage, and plenty of square footage for mamas to spread out and for the pups to run and play. There’s even enough breathing room for our tortoise, Aughra to joint the party! Not to mention a large window with lots of light and ventilation for the animals and my plant addiction! 

New closet doors and wooden gates coming soon.       

Our mamas deliver their puppies in custom made "whelping boxes". This is an old school method, but we love them! The PVC "pig rails" create a bumper that helps prevent the puppies from being smothered when mom rolls over. The front of the box has two sliders which keep pups in, but allow moms to jump out with ease while they are recovering from child birth. The boxed are coated in water based polyurethane for easy sanitation. The cushions and covers are home made too! 

I sleep on the floor next to mama until she has safely finished delivering, usually through the night. It is common for other members of the pack to offer moral support, if mama-to-be allows it. They are very close, and having them nearby is usually a comfort. It takes a village in this house <3                                  

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